Executive Summaries

These days we can’t get past the Top XX lists of the world, its an eye catcher proven time and again not only online but also in popular magazines (where we got the idea). I heard a radio commercial this afternoon about the “Top 10 Secrets to Better Grades” (study?).

But why do people like top 10 lists? I think people are drawn to them for two very similar reasons.

  1. Like executive summaries they are a summary of what is a large amount of knowledge. People want to know what is important and move on. The rest of it can be investigated later.
  2. Like C-level execs, people want a process, they want a list of what to do. We don’t want to think about it, that’s your job as the writer.

Being in graduate school, I am writing executive summaries all the time now. So I think my next project is going to be the Executive Summary series. A look at the services that most SEOs offer, why they impact business, and the top things they need to know about it. I’m hoping these will be useful for not only new people in the business but other in house web marketers that sometimes just need an executive summary of social marketing.


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Are you sure there aren’t 10 reasons why people like top 10 lists? j/k.

For some reason, lists always get a lot of attention. I think it’s because people think they’re missing something and 10 steps are so easy to browse and absorb.

I look forward to your SEO services review. I’m putting something together along the same lines to teach web designers and traditional markeitng agencies how to provide ongoing ROI driven internet marketing services to their clients.

I will watch for them for sure. Great for someone like me who is not working in this area, just intersted in information on it right now

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